What’s your vibe?
MySoul Vibe reads your energy and provides you with personalized sound healing meditations to help make you feel better.
MySoul Vibe Features
A snapshot of your actual aura and its characteristics.
Unlimited personalized sound meditations based on your energy of the moment, to help with mental stress, bring clarity and improve your well-being.
Create a profile and save your healing meditations with the specific intentions you select.
Track your MySoul Vibe practice to receive deeper insights about your energy as it relates to your daily experiences (offered through our monthly subscription).
Add friends to see who is vibrating like you and engage with them as they set similar intentions.
How does it work?
Your aura is a snapshot of the state of your energy body. You are an energetic being vibrating at a unique frequency that is changing all the time.
Sometimes you feel connected, grounded and focused, while other times you’re fragmented, anxious and unclear.
We all hold light frequencies that are expansive and full of possibility, such as love, and shadow frequencies that limit us and make us uneasy, such as fear and anxiety.
The balance of these states affects our moods, our experiences and our relationships. Your energetic state, your vibe, is reflected in your voice and corresponds to wavelengths of light, called your aura.
MySoul Vibe reads the frequency of your voice to generate a current snapshot of your aura, revealing your hidden energetic anatomy and giving you insight into everything from your unique creative gifts to your deepest conflicts.
Through MySoul Vibe’s personalized healing meditation, your energy will be attuned to help enhance your well-being.
How to Fine Tune Your Aura With Intention & Sound:
You are like a magnet. You draw experiences to you based on your energy, or vibe—and by working with the various energies present in your aura, you can fine tune your energetic state, clear away mental anxiety and begin to bring the things into your life that you want.
MySoul Vibe uses a sophisticated combination of science, physics and mystical insight to read your aura. This can be translated into clear communication, including sounds, to help you align, direct and optimize your energy toward creating your ideal life, through intention. You will be shown the unique spectrum of energies your aura is radiating and be offered the information to understand the elements of balance and imbalance inherent in your vibe.
By seeking to understand your current energy and meditating on your unique intentions, you bring your energy into present time and release what isn’t serving you.
When to use MySoul Vibe?
Use MySoul Vibe as often as you can. Your aura changes all the time as you encounter ups and downs in your day. Each time you use MySoul Vibe, you get an in-the-moment look at where you are and a personalized intention and sound healing meditation to take you where you want to go.
As you practice balancing your energetic state, you direct your energy toward creating your ideal life. Use the app as often as you need to keep your intentions in alignment with your truth, and to connect and engage with like-minded seekers in the MySoul practice.